Russell: Williams hungry to improve in 2019

  • Published on 03 Nov 2018 12:55
  • 4
  • By: Fergal Walsh

George Russell says that Williams is hungry to improve next year after a dismal 2018 season. The Grove squad is bottom of the constructor's standings and has racked up 7 points, heading for its third-worst constructor's standings finish in its history.

The team has been struggling with its aerodynamic package for 2018. The changes it made for the 2018 season have left the car unpredictable through high-speed corners while also producing drag on the straights, which harms its straight-line speed.

Williams confirmed last month that Russell would be joining the team in 2019. The Briton is on the verge of wrapping up the Formula 2 championship and knows that everyone within the team is aiming for vast improvements next year.

"Formula 1 changes so fast," he said. "Last year Williams was fifth in the Constructors' World Championship and two years before that were third. Next year is a massive opportunity and everyone is so motivated and hungry to improve."

Russell was signed to the Mercedes junior programme before the start of the 2017 season. In his first year as a Mercedes junior, Russell won the GP3 Series and looks set to win back-to-back championships with just one round remaining in the 2018 Formula 2 Championship.

Williams has not announced who will partner Russell at the team next year. Sergey Sirotkin and Robert Kubica are the most probable candidates, however Esteban Ocon is working on negotiations while Esteban Gutierrez has recently emerged as a contender.

"I would be happy with anyone but it would be good if they are a really good driver to measure myself against," Russell commented. "It's then important to build a good relationship with my team-mate so that we can push the team forwards."

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  • Williams hungry to improve *(their bank account) in 2019. You are welcome.

    • + 0
    • Nov 3 2018 - 14:05
    • Savio

      Posts: 145

      Only Kubica, no Ericsson because he is a huge paydriver.

      • + 0
      • Nov 3 2018 - 14:56
    • Kubica seem unable to provide the funds, and even if he were to get the funds, his chances seem slim at best still. Ericsson dont even seem to be in contention for this seat, though both Sirotkin, one of their current drivers, and Gutierrez have decent funds, and thats pretty much what Williams are interested in.

      • + 0
      • Nov 3 2018 - 18:44
    • Kean

      Posts: 692

      Ericsson is already set to drive for Schmidt Peterson, besides if Ericsson had gotten the seat at Williams thanks to financial backing, it would basically be like Sauber paying Williams for Ericsson to drive since Ericsson's backers own Sauber. That may happen when a works team wants to get one of their drivers a seat, but it won't happen between smaller teams.

      • + 0
      • Nov 3 2018 - 20:18

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