Rubens Barrichello has admitted he is likely to stay in Brazil's stock car championship next year. Amid rumours he had put together a sponsorship package for 2014, the former
Ferrari and
Williams driver had admitted he was keen to return to F1 after a two-year absence.
But Monisha Kaltenborn then strongly denied Barrichello, 41, could be paired with inexperienced Russian rookie
Sergey Sirotkin at
Sauber next season. And Barrichello is now hinting he will definitely stay in stock cars in 2014. "With the team and the sponsors we are thinking of a renewal," he told Jovem Pan radio at the Curitiba race at the weekend. "That is the nearest future: a renewal in stock car," Barrichello added.
He admitted, however, that he often misses racing in F1, after the longest grand prix career in the sport's history. "But I am also a very happy person," said Barrichello. "Now, when I finish the race, I go home at 5pm to my family. My quality of life has changed for the better, so what you lose in one hand, you gain in the other." (GMM)
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