F1 owners are reportedly ready to showcase the sport's new logo in Abu Dhabi. Over the past week, it emerged that Liberty Media was proposing to change F1's official logo, replacing the current 'Flying 1' logo introduced under Bernie Ecclestone.
Speaking in Abu Dhabi, Formula 1 CEO Chase Carey said: "We want to provide a fresh energy to the sport and thought the new logo was a great way to emphasise that. For sure, any time you change you are always going to get a mixed set of views. We are not looking to change the sport, we are looking to provide a fresh innovation and energy to a sport that is a great sport. We think we can enhance and better it."
Also in the spotlight is the engine regulations that are set to come into play in 2021. Ferrari, Mercedes and Renault have offered their disapproval of the new engines. Carey knows there are differing opinions on the new blueprints but emphasised the sport's stakeholders and teams needed to keep talking.
"Those sort of discussions are probably better had privately between partners than in public. This is always been a sport that seems to enjoy talking first and acting second. And we're part of that; we have to discipline ourselves to try and act first and talk second and we believe we can find the right compromises that will benefit everybody."
Ferrari's disagreement with the 2021 regulations has come as far as the manufacturer threatening to quit F1altogether if it believes the sport is not headed in the right direction. However, Carey wants to create a future that is inviting to all partners.
"Ferrari is a great part of the sport and a unique part of the sport," he said. "They are an incredibly valued partner and we look forward to trying to move the sport forward in a way that works for all of our partners. Ferrari is obviously special."
Fergal Walsh
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Posts: 1,804
A shame, we don't need a new one