Niki Lauda denies Ecclestone plotting F1 'breakaway'

  • Published on 13 Apr 2018 10:44
  • 7
  • By: Rob Veenstra

F1 legend Niki Lauda has played down speculation Bernie Ecclestone might be plotting to front a 'breakaway' world championship. Although ousted as F1 supremo by Liberty Media, 87-year-old Ecclestone was in Bahrain a week ago -- and notably he wore a white shirt bearing the now-defunct old F1 logo.

Ecclestone has been highly critical of Liberty, instead backing top teams Ferrari and Mercedes who have suggested proposed rule changes for 2021 might cause them to quit F1. In Bahrain, Ecclestone also accused Liberty of housing him in a sub-standard office.

"Last year I had an office in the race control tower," he told Auto Motor und Sport. "Now they've dumped me in the VIP tower outside the paddock. I think Liberty wants to make life difficult for me," Ecclestone added.

That might be because of rumours Ecclestone might be plotting a 'breakaway' championship, but Mercedes team chairman Lauda played that rumour down. "I often meet with Bernie in Ibiza," the former triple world champion told Austrian broadcaster ORF.

"I also saw him over Easter and I was glad that he came to Bahrain. Sure, he is not pleased with how formula one is developing, but in my view completely understandably. Because while we're debating budget caps, we're tormenting people instead of giving them decent races," Lauda added.

As for Ecclestone's links with a 'breakaway', Lauda answered: "There is no breakaway programme. There's no idea of it at all. First of all, it's too far away. For now it's important to get on terms with Liberty Media so that we can all continue to be here in a reasonable way." (GMM)

Replies (7)

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  • I still cannot get my head around why it was decided to depart from the formula 1 between 2009 and 2013 (which included the marvelous 2010 and 2012 seasons) and before that, the formula 1 between 2003 and 2008 (2003, 2006, 2007 and 2008 were all great years).

    I hear money? Well, then make transport cleaner and cheaper, not the two racing cars they carry around.

    • + 0
    • Apr 13 2018 - 11:12
    • Pauli

      Posts: 140

      F1 decided to go with emerging engine technology which is exactly F1 idea. F1 is all about bringing in cutting edge technology that can improve performance. Too bad a company managed to understand the new technology much better than others making engine power difference quite big. But the difference wasn't even close to largest in F1 history where we have seend 3 or 4 times larger power differences in past. None just remembers those differences any more.

      But much worse problem for racing was already done in 2009 when F1 decided to switch from grooved tyres to slicks and use increased aerodynamic drag to limit performance for safety. Then they decided to increase downforce but keep aero drag rules that has made close racing pretty much impossible. Of course 2009 isn't first year where regulations have increased aerodynamic drag (which is bad for close racing) but it is probably largest change since 1994.

      • + 1
      • Apr 13 2018 - 14:48
  • boudy

    Posts: 1,168

    If there is an opportunity he will take it ...

    • + 0
    • Apr 13 2018 - 14:40
  • I hope not, because it would fail, just like Ecclestone fails at being relevant. 'Tis sorta endearing, but he should stay far away, where I cant smell the corruption. My plague doctors are still out of commission from all of the abuse they endured during the recent McLaren-Honda era.

    • + 0
    • Apr 13 2018 - 16:33
    • Barron

      Posts: 625

      Haha that’s funny Calle! I shall have to appoint my own plague doctors. Thanks for the tip. No one should underestimate Bernie, his achievements or his capacity for mischief. Pretty much everything Bernie did was above board taking the law to the limit. Don’t all businesses? Trust me, Liberty are terrified of him. Bernie is not to blame for the current rules that everyone curses about - Mercedes & Ferrari are. These two teams have F1 by the nuts and every now & then they give a little squeeze. Bernie might yet be F1’s saviour, after all, he started it.

      • + 0
      • Apr 13 2018 - 18:12
    • You can get a cost cut on them if you work within healthcare. Got mine at the local petstore, and have never regretted it since! Really hope they'll recuperate, it wasnt easy for them, having to deal with that McLaren Boss Brain Parasite incident...

      Fair enough, but I just dont think he was good for F1 during his last spell. He did a good job making money for them, but to what cost? He milked several precious venues dry of cash. And with F1, he had something ready. He had the structure, and built on it. But starting a series from scratch? Thats an entirely different beast. As for the rules: I honestly think the FIA is to blame for them. 'Tis the FIA who introduced the token token system, and the reduction of PU allocations. Ferrari and Merc' arent helping, and the owners (formerly Äckelstone, now Liberty) have some part in it, but 'tis the Himmlerscrotums at the FIA who have introduced some very silly ideas.

      • + 0
      • Apr 13 2018 - 18:26
  • I would not be surprised and would almost like to see that old bastard try. Just to see him fail miserably. He'd probably implement some of his dumbest ideas, like medals on the podium, absurdly high fees, more races in countries with a lot of money with corrupt/tyrannical leaders, etc.

    • + 0
    • Apr 14 2018 - 00:09

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