According to F1 Supremo Bernie Ecclestone, the Russian Grand Prix could be a full night from 2017.
"We've talked about it. Maybe in 2017 - so you know you can book your tickets for the next 10 years," Ecclestone told reporters at the Belgian Grand Prix.
A move which Ecclestone would welcome because it would help with TV Audiences from around the world, as the times would be more sociable. Russia also has a contract till 2020, however Formula One Management are keen to extend the deal beyond and discussions will take place in the near future.
Russia made it's full debut last year, but attendances did not impress. However, Vice Governor of the Krasnodar Region says that this year will be much better thanks to the rise of newly Russian star Danil Kyvat - "Having a local hero is transforming the event for the people for whom Formula One is a new sport,".
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Login to replykhasmir
Posts: 893
I'm pretty sure the promoter needs to pay Bernie in Euros or USD, and if income needs to come from Rubles... Good luck with that ;)
Posts: 8,527
I sincerely question if attendance will be much better this year. Even with a "rising star" to please the country, the trend is that the debut race has way better attendance than most races hosted after that. Besides, from what I've heard the average russian is struggling to bring food to their table right now, how are they supposed to afford tickets? And I cant imagine many tourists going there, with a political climate like the current one.