Three teams thwarting Force India sale

  • Published on 31 Jul 2018 08:30
  • 8
  • By: Jeroen Jonkers

Three teams reportedly look set to make the sale and rescue of Force India more difficult.

The Silverstone based team has been placed into administration, but there are several potential buyers.

However, all teams must agree if the new owners get access to all of the rights of Force India, including millions in prize money.

Auto Motor und Sport claims that McLaren, Williams and Renault do not agree that Force India's new owners should get all of the money and rights.

F1 owner Liberty Media, however, is vowing to help.

"Over the past few years the team has been an amazing example of what can be done with limited resources, showing that what you do and how you do it is much more important than the size of your budget," said sporting boss Ross Brawn.

"Formula one will be doing all in its power to ensure the team survives and I truly hope that in the coming days and weeks its future is resolved," he added.

Replies (8)

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  • Overwrite this bullshit that is teams being able to c**kblock the purchase and access to a team's access.

    • + 1
    • Jul 31 2018 - 11:59
    • Williams again... The same losers who also vetoed FI getting money in advance.

      • + 0
      • Aug 1 2018 - 07:32

    Posts: 61

    I agree. They should ashamed of themselves. Instead of trying to beat them on track, they need this type of actions to destroy FI.
    Still, I don't quite understand why it takes so much time to receive the prize money that is rightfully theirs...

    • + 0
    • Jul 31 2018 - 12:18
  • Liberty will be desperate to help them and is Williams next, unless major change to budgets, there will be no independents left even the billionaires like VJ are short on the ground, F1 needs major structural change to craze budgets to race two cars!

    • + 0
    • Jul 31 2018 - 13:11
    • Yes, we need a budget cap of some sort. The current absurd spendings by the top teams pressure the rest to spend above their budgets, and even efficient teams like Force India suffer under such circumstances. Make it a high cap, but a cap nonetheless. Ferrari and Mercedes in particular need to feel it for this sport to remain healthy.

      • + 0
      • Jul 31 2018 - 19:35
  • f1ski

    Posts: 726

    Reduce the percentage that is prize money and have a 3 tiered revenue sharing that isn't so skewed to the top 3. I know the euros like to bash NASCAR but their model works well and they have more parity. the goal should be to provide a structure that allows parity Thur creativeness and allow development to occur thru the season. Set the rules so that no team dominates for 4 seasons because rules prevented teams from developing their engines. Treat teams like the fia treated rbr with their diffuser to try to limit their advantage.
    Personally I think refueling and different tire makers need to return to balance the grid. I'd like to see if making engines last 7 races really saves money. The idea of letting teams use a fixed amount of fuel however they want would add to the excitement as then teams could really turn up the wick especially at shorter track

    • + 1
    • Jul 31 2018 - 14:38
  • Bhurt

    Posts: 320

    Can't say I'm very surprised. The three most mismanaged teams on the circuit. McLaren and Williams looking to do anything to make a dollar or two (+ Zak Brown being a moron as per usual) and Renault, well, they're French aren't they?

    Wonder what Toto and Mercedes thinks of Williams blocking a deal.

    • + 0
    • Jul 31 2018 - 15:21
  • dr002

    Posts: 141

    The litmus test is what would those three team's position be if the tables were reversed and they had access to the same level of accrued prize money.....

    • + 0
    • Jul 31 2018 - 19:26

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