Ferrari move big risk for Leclerc - Vasseur

  • Published on 26 Jul 2018 11:36
  • 10
  • By: Jeroen Jonkers

Frederic Vasseur says he is unsure how Charles Leclerc would adapt to life as a Ferrari driver.

Monaco-born Leclerc is clearly one of the most highly rated F1 rookies in history, and some think Ferrari is ready to promote him to the Maranello team for 2019.

But Vasseur, who runs the Alfa Romeo-sponsored Sauber team, thinks Ferrari would also do well to leave the 20-year-old where he is for now.

"Moving from Sauber to Ferrari is a big step," the Frenchman told La Derniere Heure.

"We cannot predict what will happen, especially when it comes to drivers getting some money."

Indeed, at just 20 years old and after just a single season in F1, it is believed Leclerc could be paid as much as EUR 5 million in 2019.

Vasseur said: "In the last 20 years, there have been plenty of drivers who did very good first seasons in F1.

"I will not give names, but as soon as they touched their first cheque, they had trouble," he explained. "They lost their roots because they discovered new things in life and lost a little bit of what they were doing.

"So we cannot anticipate," he added. "That's why Ferrari is a big leap for Charles. And it's why Ferrari has always hesitated to take very young drivers. They know very well the pressure that is in their system.

"But I'm not too worried about Charles," said Vasseur.

Replies (10)

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  • I'm sad that the next step for Leclerc is Ferrari. I just struggle to see him going there and not looking like a #2 driver because that's what he will be required to do.

    • + 0
    • Jul 26 2018 - 15:26
    • On the other hand, could Ferrari adopt a more RB like chemistry with him on board. Could.

      • + 0
      • Jul 26 2018 - 15:59
    • If CL has to help Vettel so be it. But, Kimi is failing regularly to collect the scraps in the event of Vettel making a mistake. This needs to be fixed. But, yes, CL could wait another year perfecting his craft at Sauber, which is going to see some upgrades in 2019.

      • + 0
      • Jul 26 2018 - 16:34
    • Kean

      Posts: 692

      If Leclerc goes to Ferrari, I think he will regularly beat Vettel

      • + 0
      • Jul 26 2018 - 17:17
    • Bhurt

      Posts: 320

      I don't see the hurry in getting him into a Ferrari. As we saw in Germany he still has a lot to learn and Ferrari isn't the place for a driver to learn. Another year at Sauber is by far the best thing for him (and Ferrari in the long run).

      • + 0
      • Jul 26 2018 - 20:15
    • dr002

      Posts: 141

      Considering Leclerc at such an early stage of his career makes no sense at all from the perspectives of both Ferrari and Leclerc .

      A Ferrari seat shouldn't be used to develop a driver if the team is serious about winning the Constructor's title against a Hamilton / Bottas paring, whilst placing the expectations of Ferrari (and the unyielding Tifosi) upon Leclerc's young shoulders after only a year in F1 seems ridiculous and - to Vasseur’s point - carries with it the very real possibility that it could shatter Leclerc's career........

      A juvenile Max Verstappen’s promotion to RB shouldn't be used as an example in this instance, because at that particular point in time there was never an expectation that RB would be challenging for a championship title, RB had the opportunity to develop the driver. Ferrari has not got that luxury. They need two drivers right now who have the experience and maturity to challenge for the title in order to fulfil Ferrari’s (and their fan’s) expectations.

      I really don't get Ferrari, they have the opportunity to sign a driver in Ricciardo who: has outperformed Vettel as a team mate (and would surely be a better option than Raikkonen); is old enough that he has experience and maturity but young enough that they could build a team around him in the future; is of Italian descent; is a team player and a superior sportsman than Vettel; and is infinitely more marketable than Vettel (and, I’d argue, Raikkonen as well).

      From Ricciardo’s perspective, if he truly is serious about winning a Driver’s Championship, Ferrari really is his only option, and for him it shouldn’t be all about money as Ferrari is effectively claiming.

      If Ricciardo driving for Ferrari is off the table (due to Vettel blocking it, or for whatever reason), and it is also decided Leclerc is too young to be given the drive, this would mean that Raikkonen would have retained the Ferrari seat by default once again. If this situation arises I’d go as far as to say that Ricciardo should back himself, put his foot in the door with Ferrari, and put his hand up for the Sauber seat alongside Leclerc........... Vettel, Ricciardo, Leclerc and Riakkonen at Ferrari’s disposal…… What a line-up!

      • + 0
      • Jul 27 2018 - 00:41
  • f1ski

    Posts: 726

    Leery moving to Ferrari won't help Ferrari or Vettel. Only after winning another championship will we see if Seb still has it. He struggled his last season at rbr while ricciardo fared much better. Kimi has performed very well this year h is more than adequate as a driver. The team has hamstrung him with race strategy and he has been very well equipped to make the best of it

    • + 0
    • Jul 26 2018 - 22:17
    • Ferrari shouldn't adjust to the adequate drivers. They need a driver that gives a wake up call to its #1 driver, and compliments and completes the lineup. Hope CL doesn't disappoint my high expectations.

      • + 0
      • Jul 26 2018 - 23:17
  • why waste his talent in a slow car, he's ready, and will be right at the front when he gets into the right car, such a non story.

    • + 0
    • Jul 27 2018 - 13:21
  • It is also a good chance that CL will go to Haas in 2019. this would be a more competetive car than the Sauber and also allow Charles to develop a bit more before going to Ferrari in 2020. The only bad thing about this is Kimi keeping the seat for yet another year. Personally I like the guy, but I don't think he can get it done. Ferrari would be better off to get Danny Ric and build the team around him. Vettel goes away at the end of his contract and then CL comes along to team with Ric. That would be a fun line up. But Ferrari has shown little chance of being bold when it comes to young talent. Only time will tell... i just doubt Ferrari can win a Constructors title with Kimi. Vettel may yet get the Drivers Title, but he needs a better wingman to push him and pick up points off his rivals when Vet has a bad day.

    • + 0
    • Jul 28 2018 - 14:51

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