Bottas: "Mercedes can't become too confident"

  • Published on 26 Jul 2017 13:01
  • 2
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Valtteri Bottas believes that Mercedes can't afford to be too sure that it has become superior to rivals Ferrari in the last number of races. Mercedes has appeared to have claimed the upper hand since Monaco, the last time Ferrari emerged victorious.

Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel leads the driver standings by a mere point, while Mercedes has started to pull away in the constructor table, as it is now 55 points ahead. However, Bottas has warned that the team can't become so sure that they are now on top.

"We can't get that kind of thing to our mind that we are quicker," he said. "We don't want to do that, we want to be feeling on our back foot, we want to be able to improve the car and we know it is very track specific. That's a fact because we've had quite high-speed circuits now the last two races. Baku is a special one, but the next race in Budapest is completely different. 

"It's very slow speed corners, really high temperatures, so we are not going too confident to there. We know that we have still work to do and plenty of things we need to improve on. We can improve during this year still. I think it is still track specific and we are still going to see good fights depending on the tracks."


Fergal Walsh

Replies (2)

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  • True words but Ferrari do seem to have fallen behind

    • + 0
    • Jul 26 2017 - 14:39
  • Hungary will be the litmus test, it should suit ferrari with high tyre Deg low power usage and the twisty stuff like Monaco should really suit the car, if Mercedes are ahead by a margin there then it could be championship over for Ferrari

    • + 0
    • Jul 26 2017 - 21:22

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